Welcome to the CallerDesk API reference
It is built especially for businesses to help them intelligently manage callers and for automating self-service options. It can be useful for gathering actionable customer information and meeting customer expectations in a timely manner, thus eliminating wait times and increasing chances of giving continuous business.
What can you expect from using us?
- Build a solid cloud call telephony solution that your team can use to handle calls easily, onboard new members faster, become remote-friendly, and provide better workflows overall;
- Build a virtual contact center to enable a call support system for your customers;
- Integrate it with other SaaS solutions you might already use for business management.
- The platform is relatively intuitive and easy to use, but we still find some use cases are not obvious, so let’s dive into our documentation.
To know more about CallerDesk API’s , please click here – https://api.callerdesk.io/