Some Features needs detailed explanation. So, here we are mentioning some of your queries which are related to “Member” Section. Just Click on any of your Question below and we will rotate this page directly to your answer.
Questions to Ask
1. Who is a Member?
Member is the employee who is using the platform for incoming or outgoing calls.
2. How to export member list in excel
As soon as you click on the Export tab in the panel under “Members” section, an excel sheet will automatically download. The excel will have the details as mentioned in the platform.

The below-given picture shows the format in which the excel sheet will be downloaded.
3. How to change Particular Member details?
Step 1: Click on the Members’ tab in the user management tab at the top.

Step 2: Click on the member’s name which requires modification. A pop up will appear with members info. The popup window will have all the details of member such as Member’s Name, Mobile Number, Extension number, Access Status, Active Status, Auto-Generated Email Id and password. Except registered mobile number of the member all details can be edited and updated .

Step 3: After editing the required details, click on the update tab. It will automatically save the changes done in the profile. After clicking update a confirmation window will appear as pop-up. Just click on the “OK” tab to move ahead.

Once you click on “Ok” a new window pop-up displaying the task as “Success”. The window ensures that the data is properly saved.
4. How to remove Members from your member list?
Click on the Members’ tab in the user management tab at the top navigation bar.

Once you have the list you can either click on the member’s name or search the member you wish to remove in the search tab.
Now click the delete icon (under action column) next to the member you wish to remove from the panel.
Once you click the button, a confirmation window will pop-up asking your final decision. If you are sure then simply, click “OK” to delete the member.

The member is removed from your account.
5. How do you differentiate between Active and Inactive member?
Your team members or your employee working on calling task who needs to make use of the platform are known as members on the platform.

- Active Members: The definition is simple, those members who are available to work and take the calls are considered as active members.
- Inactive Members: Members who are either left the company or are not available on certain days because of leaves are the part of inactive members.
6. Different roles of Members- Regular, Admin & Call Group Owner?
While adding a new member in the access tab there were two options available Regular or Admin. The roles basically define the limits of the member on the platform.

- Regular Member: Regular members can view, check and access their own activities as well as own groups. Apart from their own data they can’t edit anything.
- Admin Member: Admin, as the name suggests, is the main head on the platform. Admin has all the necessary rights in regards to viewing, checking, accessing or editing any data.
- Call Group Owner: Call group owner are the same regular members but having the power to access see team’s data as well ( whosoever are added in particular callgroup ) . Hence, here he can check, view, access or edit their as well as their team’s data through his individual login id & password.