Here, users will find all Outbound call reporting status description which will help them to understand and analysis the click to call flow of configured callerdesk account.
Basic outgoing call description:
- Click to call flow : One call (Leg A ) will be initiated by agent, once he will pick the call then automatically 2nd call will be generated to connect with the End user ( Leg B).
- Coin Deduction in click-to-call case: Leg B coin charges will be starts only once Leg B number will pick the call.
S.No | Trigger by | Call Status | Routing Status | DESCRIPTION |
1. | LEG A | ANSWER | Answer ( 16-Agent ) | Call is answered. A successful dial. Party A call picked by the Party B, but after discussion, call disconnected by Party A. |
2. | LEG B | ANSWER | ANSWER (16) | Call is answered. A successful dial. Party A call picked by the PARTY B, but after discussion, call disconnected by Party B |
3. | LEG A | Cancel-Agent | NOANSWER (0-agent) | The dial command reached on Party A number, the number rang for too long, then the dial timed out |
4. | LEG B | Cancel-Customer | NOANSWER (0-customer) | The dial command reached on Party B number, the number rang for too long, then the dial timed out. |
5. | LEG A | Cancel-Agent | Busy(17-agent) | Call is cancelled. The dial command reached Party A number but the call disconnected due to hung up/Network issue/Busy on by Party A. |
6. | LEG B | Cancel-Customer | Busy(17-customer) | Call is cancelled. The dial command reached Party B number but the call disconnected due to hung up/Network issue/Busy on by Party B. |
7. | LEG A | Cancel-Agent | Congestion ( 1-agent) | The dial command reached its number but the number is not recognised by the operator due to congestion on Party A |
8. | LEG B | Cancel-Customer | Congestion ( 1-customer) | The dial command reached its number but the number is not recognised by the operator due to congestion on Party B |
9. | LEG A | Cancel-Agent | Unavailable ( 19-agent ) | The dial command reached its number but the number is not reachable due to network issue on Party A |
10. | LEG B | Cancel-Customer | Unavailable ( 19-customer ) | The dial command reached its number but the number is not reachable due to network issue on Party B |
11. | Either party A or B | NO ANSWER | CHANUNAVAIL | Channel unavailable. On SIP, peer may not be registered. |
12. | Either party A or B | NO ANSWER | Not connected | Call received in ivr system but no call forward happen. |
13. | Either party A or B | N/A | Transfer to agent | Call is transferring on agent number |
14. | Either party A or B | N/A | Picked | It Represent call is picked by the Agent |
Asterisk Hangup Cause Code Mapping
User may confuse about the reason of showing brackets ( ) under mentioned above call status head. So let we explain you that these bracket mentioned numbers are actually cause code which we are receiving from operator and all are benchmarked globally accepted cause codes.
Reason of showing it on panel reports – Sometime, user may curious to know that this status are same which operator is sending to us. In this case, we may share backend logs of that particular call which will be send by operator including cause code. It helps users to match the report from what operator is sending to us, and what we are showing to users.
S.No | Cause Codes |
1. | 0= Cause not defined |
2. | 16= Normal Clearing |
3. | 17= User busy |
4. | 19= No answer from user (user alerted) |
5. | 21= Call Rejected |
For more detailed Hangup Cause code Mapping status, Kindly visit below link: