CallerDesk integration with RazorPay allows the users to integrate their razorpay merchant account with the panel for all kind of payment related voice notifications.
Some of the voice notification events under razorpay integration are below:
Razorpay Some Important events :
- Payment link created – Whenever merchant create a payment link and send a Payment Link to a customer via email and/or SMS. The customer receives a call notification from callerdesk side to give instruction – ‘about the payment link to check via SMS and email’.
- Invoice created – Whenever merchant create an invoice to a customer. The customer receives a call notification from callerdesk side to give instruction – ‘about the invoice copy to check via email’
- Invoice.partially_paid – If partial payments was enabled in razorpay and the customer chooses the partial amount to be paid and transferred through razorpay payment link, merchant will receive a call notification from callerdesk side to give instruction like – ‘you have received the partial payment’.
- Invoice.paid – After the full amount has been paid through razorpay payment link, merchant will receive a call notification from callerdesk side to give instruction like – ‘you have received the payment’.
- Invoice.expired – In Razorpay, merchant can set due dates for invoices after which the invoices expire. So, once if any invoice get expired, merchant will receive a call notification from callerdesk side to give instruction like -‘ Your generated invoice has been expired’ .
- Payment.captured – In Razorpay, when the customer payment captured & the payment is verified as complete by Razorpay, automatically this information will be delivered to merchant via call notification from callerdesk side to give instruction like – ‘you have received the payment’.
Other Events:
- Payment.dispute.created ( For merchant )
- Refund processed
- Payout.queued
- Payout.reversed
- Payout.failed