Outbound Call Types

Auto Survey (Key capture)


Auto Survey feature is one of the ways for making outgoing calls from the panel and take feedback from responders.

Steps for setting up Voice Auto Survey

1. Let's begin by selecting the Auto Survey option under the Voice reach tab.

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2. Here, use auto Survey with the objective of making an automated call and giving the option to the receiver of the call to connect to record their responses.

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3. Select "Create New" in the Broadcast Setup.

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4. A Pop-Up Window will appear and now we need to add a name to the campaign, opt for Bulk Auto-Survey and add our Survey voice clip.

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5. Now we need to select the key option which based on the voice clip, the receiver can record his or her survey response.

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6. It can be any key depending on the survey voice clip which you have just uploaded.

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7. Select "Simple Response" in the Answer type and add the voice clip for greeting or confirmation to the user for registration of his or her response. 

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8. Similarly, you can add the details for rest of the keys depending on the objective of your campaign. 

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9. You can also select "Repeat" in the Answer type if you wish to give the option, to the user to listen to the campaign clip again before registering responses.

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10. Finally click on Save.

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11. Now you can allocate the channel which is directly proportional to the speed, with which you wish to execute the survey on your data.

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12. Select Normal OBD in the broadcast type and add the data, that is the numbers on which you wish to initiate the campaign.

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13. Manage the Start and End time of the Campaign and finally click on Send.

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14. Now, to know about campaign status please click on the "View All Campaign" tab.

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15. Here, you can see a quick overview of the campaign, and also you can manage a particular campaign, by clicking on the actions tab and view the report.

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16. Once you enter, you can see campaigns wise summary like total data count and auto survey response numbers along with the key report.

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